Достопримечательности Александрии | Александрия Места для посещения


Александрия – это кусочек рая: Александрия – египетский город и второй по важности город в Арабской Республике Египет после города Каир.

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Цены и Проживание


Александрия отличается многими вещами, которые делают ее одним из важнейших городов региона, привлекающих туристов со всего мира.

Александрия занимает большое место в сердцах египтян, а также историков из-за ее исторической и стратегической важности для Египта и всего мира.

Александрия - подходящее место для проведения своего ежегодного отпуска, а также Александрия - одно из самых замечательных мест, куда едут египтяне со всей Республики, и это связано с несколькими факторами, которые делают ее в первую очередь и на совести всем, и среди этих факторов — простота транспорта, который доставляет людей из их мест в Александрию, а также ее близкое расположение.

Александрия содержит очень красивое разнообразие современных и исторических зданий, а также зелени и воды.

Когда цвет ясного голубого неба смешивается с цветом морской воды, перед вами предстает красивая природная картина, которая заставляет вас чувствовать себя уверенно и приятно.

Если вам нравятся живописные тихие пляжи, вам следует посетить Александрию, так как здесь есть тихие пляжи с видом на Средиземное море.

Расположение Александрии

Alexandria is located north of the Mediterranean Sea that separates Africa and Europe. 

Alexandria is considered the gateway to Africa from the north side, and the city of Alexandria is the bride of the Mediterranean because of its charming beauty and is bordered on the south by Lake Mariout lake and form the east you will find Abou kar  bay and from the west you will find Sedy Kerak area.

The wonderful location makes it one of the most amazing cities in the world because of the clear water  which is spread on its shores of the Mediterranean Sea with a length of 155 km, and I am that the beach of Alexandria expands for a very large number of drivers who practice scuba diving and all water sports on the shores of Alexandria and enjoy the thin air as well as the warm sun rays and because of the excellent location of Alexandria Converting Alexandria to be a place to spend a summer vacation throughout the year.

You will find everything you wish for Alexandria and on its beautiful beaches you can take a warm sunbath

The most important markets in Alexandria

Alexandria contains shopping centers, very luxurious areas and popular markets such as Zanktelstat Market, which is considered a very old market in the Mansheya area.The market contains Schools, Ramadan supplies and souvenirs.

Also, one of the most famous markets in the city of Alexandria is Alkhit market, and it is located near the Zanqa El-Sastat market. It is considered a small market.

Al khit Market is a market that is specializing in clothes, where there are African and Arab clothes, and this market is famous for its high quality in the manufacture of cotton and free clothes.

Therefore, many Arab and African tourists come to buy some clothes from there, and the most famous market is also the Turk Market.

This market is famous for the furniture industry and it had a large group of Turkish people during the age of the kingdom in Egypt.

Top Sightseeing & Alexandria day Tours

The Qaitbay Citadel

Qaitbay citadel is located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Alexandria and was built by Sultan Qaytbay in the Islamic style and it is one of the most beautiful castles in terms of design and location and was built by the Sultan to protect the city of Alexandria from any external dangers attacking.

The height of the castle walls is about four meters high and it was built on the ruins of the old lighthouse, which was destroyed because of earthquakes. During the British occupation, some perforations occurred and it was restored.

The Alexandria Library

The Alexandria Library is one of the most important cultural and artistic landmarks in the city of Alexandria, and it is a scientific and cultural center and a great beacon for learning. The Alexandria Library was designed and reopened in 2002 in the form of a disk of the sun.

The Alexandria library includes some treasures of books in all fields as well as references and mothers of books and the library contains exhibitions for Calligraphy and also contains the planetarium, as well as halls for learning and teaching children, and you can visit the Alexandria library in the Shatby area.


Column Al-Sawari

One of the most beautiful landmarks in Alexandria and it attracts a number of tourists to watch it, which is a very high column that was built in the Roman era for the emperor who defeated the leader Bakhil, and this led to the stability of the country.

The height of this column is about 20 meters and was used the red granite for building this column It is considered a great artistic and architectural masterpiece and of course it is one of the finest works that you will see in Alexandria Be sure that you will be happy for watching it.

The Roman theater The Roman theater is in the old Roman style and one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the city of Alexandria, the theater was discovered by chance when the search was underway for the tomb of Alexander the Great, and the Roman theater stairs were made of thirteen pieces of granite that are numbered in the Greek language from the bottom.


The Roman theatre Expanded to include 609 who were listening to beautiful music. Do not forget to visit the Roman theater when you go to the city of Alexandria and enjoy sitting on the stairs of the theatre.

Тонущие города 

Если вам нравится дайвинг, это будет соревнование удачи. Вы можете принять участие в групповом дайвинг-поездке, и вы увидите под водой два города Гераклеон и Канобос, которые представляют собой города, погруженные под воду в районе пляжа Абу-Кир, которые относятся к греко-римской эпохе.

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