The Coptic Museum is the home of Coptic antiquities in the world that you can explore with ETB Tours Egypt. This ancient museum has contents that were collected from all parts of Egypt to be in one place. This museum reflects the historical events throughout the ages of Egypt.

The Coptic Museum is the largest museum of religious relics in the world and you can explore this museum in Cairo day tours. This museum tells about the Roman persecution of Christianity from the first century AD to the fourth century. This era is the era of the martyrs. In this period, the Romans committed the most heinous crimes against Christians and killed large numbers of them. The Christians were tortured and then the Romans admitted the Christian religion. This museum is a wonderful museum that reflects all the events related to Christianity in the past. This museum is located in the Old Cairo region on the ruins of the Babylon Fort in the city of Cairo, Egypt tour packages will take you on an amazing tour to the Coptic Museum.

The idea of establishing the Coptic Museum

The idea of establishing the Coptic Museum came when an Egyptologist, who was French, collected the Coptic monuments that were in different parts of Egypt and placed these antiquities in a room inside the Egyptian Museum. After that, the artifacts increased, and French Egyptology took over the management of the Egyptian Museum. Therefore, he presented the idea of establishing an independent museum called the Coptic Museum to include all the ancient Coptic antiquities. The Coptic researcher Marcus Smika had a great role in establishing the museum because he called the Antiquities Preservation Committee to pay attention to Coptic antiquities and made a great effort for seventeen years to collect donations until the museum was opened in 1910.

History of the Coptic Museum

Pope Kyrillos the Fifth gave a piece of the Orthodox Church to include the Coptic antiquities. The museum at that time was composed of two rooms inside the Hanging Church. This museum still followed the church until 1931, after which it transferred its subordination to the Ministry of Education. A new section of the museum was established to let the travelers on their Egypt short tour packages discover, and the museum’s development process continued till 1992 when a strong earthquake occurred that shook all of Egypt and therefore it destroyed a large part of the Coptic Museum. The museum was closed for a long time.

The closure lasted fourteen years, and the museum was opened after that. Many governmental and private agencies cooperated so that the museum appeared and it is wonderful that this museum collects beautiful artifacts and tells the historical stories of persecuted Christians during the days of Roman rule. This museum contains pictures and writings about the ancient culture, customs, and traditions of Christianity in ancient times and you will explore it via Egypt day tours, this museum includes everything that expresses ancient Coptic history. If you are fond of Coptic history and its civilization, you must visit the Coptic Museum with Egypt Christmas tours to watch artifacts that were found in ancient times, so be one of the many people who visit this wonderful museum that will give you the chance to be an expert in Coptic history.

Treasures of the Coptic Museum

The Coptic Museum contains antiquities, writings, and other treasures that have a Coptic character mixed with the ancient Egyptian character. These Items are influenced by the Byzantine and Islamic civilizations. If you carefully focus on these antiquities, you will be able to follow the Coptic history since the appearance of Christianity. The Coptic Museum consists of two large buildings. There is a corridor connecting the two buildings. You will see in Cairo tour packages that the Coptic Museum has 26 halls, each hall contains ancient relics displayed in containers made of glass.

This museum displays the Roman antiquities that have been in Egypt since the Roman rule and the number of these pieces is sixteen thousand antique pieces. In the seventeenth room, you will find during 5 days Egypt tour packages, a book of the Psalms of David, this book has great holiness. So they put it in a room designated for it. One of the most important carved wooden pieces that you can see in the museum is the door of the Church of Saint Barbara and the altar of the Church of the Saints. These vivid examples make you able to study the art of sculpture in the Coptic era. The museum has evidence of a stone tomb made in the fourth century AD.

This grave has the cross inscribed on it, and there are also pieces of fabric on which some Christian writings are engraved. There is an ivory comb that belongs to the Prophet of God Moses. This comb dates back to the ninth century AD and you can visit with our amazing Egypt classic tours. There is a crown decorated with a bunch of grapes

The old section of the Coptic Museum

The old section of the Coptic Museum displays a large collection of beautiful and surprising contents. At the same time, you will find with 14 days Egypt tours that there is a painting with expressive drawings showing the way of hunting, as well as drawings of aquatic plants and pieces of stones that illustrate the god Nilus, the symbol of the Nile in the Greeks. There are wonderful Architectural designs that show the cleverness of the Egyptians especially in the period of Roman rule and beyond. There are different animal patterns such as rabbits, peacocks, and others. There are also manuscripts of the Bible.

The Coptic Museum has an unforgettable history

The idea of establishing the Coptic Museum is still a story of struggle by g great thinkers and writers. This museum is one of the most wonderful ancient historical places in luxury Egypt tours. All the antiquities inside it tell about ancient cultures and historical stories. This museum displays Orientals fixed on the walls, which were used to display the journey of the Holy Family. The museum also includes a hall from the library that contains about eleven thousand manuscripts. This museum includes antique pieces that were collected from all churches in Egypt and the end, we can say that the Coptic Egyptian Museum is like the rest of the museums in Egypt that tell about a great time in the history of Egypt and you will discover all the history of this museum during 9 days Egypt tour packages, but this museum is distinguished from others.

Coptic Museum contains antiquities, wooden pieces, and unparalleled collections. During your Egypt Easter tours inside the museum, you will notice the different treasures, paintings, and antiques that will dazzle you with the beauty of the paintings, historical books, and the beauty of the external structure of the museum. You will find comfortable means of transportation. The Luxor day tours to Cairo guide will explain all the events related to the works of art that are Located inside the museum.


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